After we were all sick last week, I was looking forward to a normal week. Tonight was going to be a little off as I had a parish council meeting and Hummingbird had gymnastics. DH was going to have to hangout with Bumble Bee at gymnastics while Hummingbird did her thing. Alas, life had messier plans for us.
As we drove home from picking Daddy up from work, Bumble Bee announced that her tummy hurt. I tried to comfort her by letting her know we were close and she could potty as soon as we got home. That tummy ache was not what I thought it was. Moments later she had vomited on her teddy bear and herself. She seems to have had a relapse of last week's virus, only worse this time. I'm thankful for the bear because he contained the mess. Miraculously, nothing got on my car. I unbuckled her entire carseat and carried her upstairs in it. That is so much harder than an infant carrier! DH did take Hummingbird to gymnastics still, but I spent the evening helping Bumble Bee and cleaning up the mess. It's too bad I had to flake out on the first council meeting of the term, but then Tuesday was a hard day to meet in the first place.
Anyway, she is finally resting in a sleeping bag on the living room floor. She hasn't been vomit-free long enough for me to feel comfortable going to bed just yet. So, I've been working on a few projects at the computer. I'm putting together a French counting book for her, and I've been working on a story for Hummingbird, as well as trying to finish up my next OCN post about kids, God, and money. I've hit a creative wall, though, so I thought I'd just share a bit of my night... get the alphabet posts behind me as I know a few people are ready to read something else. I should read something else, too. Indeed, I have two books that I need to get finished. Perhaps, I'll actually complete one of them tomorrow since we won't be going to Bonjour! Wiggleworms and our other Wednesday errands.
Oh, poor Bumble Bee. Prayers.