Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Worldview: Power Politics of GMOs Destroying Our Well-Being

So it's been quite awhile since I've said anything on here.  I've been meaning to write a review of an awesome pizza place here in Chicago, and I will be doing that later this week.  What has finally motivated me enough to tap away at the keyboard is a podcast that I listened to earlier today.

Yesterday afternoon my husband had asked me if I had listened to the day's episode of Worldview on WBEZ.  I hadn't, and he told me that I really needed to listen because it touched on all of the things that make my blood boil.  He was certainly right.  For years now I have been flabbergasted and angry that big agro is allowed to create genetically modified seeds, patent them, and then nail small farmers to the wall and contaminate organic farms.

Well, it is well worth listening to Jerome McDonnell's interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva.  As much as this topics riles me up and makes me want to yell at the management of Monsanto and other big agro businesses, I have a bit of hope that with people like Dr. Shiva speaking out and working to stop them, we may eventually effect a change that will bring us more in line with nature and healthier lives.  If you're not convinced to give up 45 minutes of your time to listen, envision eating food that has been sprayed with agent orange... because we almost certainly are.

Now if you're ready for your blood to boil but have a little hope, too, take a listen. 

Then, you might follow up with this segment on eating organic.

When you're done check out Slow Foods. Even if you don't drop everything to become an activist, Slow Foods will keep you up to date on legislation that is being pushed through congress on this issue.  They even make it easy to contact your representatives and make your voice heard.


  1. Hi there- this might be hard to believe from a 42 year old woman, but I have never left a comment on a blog. But I just had to thank you, Kelly, for providing me a link to the Worldview interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva. I had been searching for awhile and stumbled upon your blog. You are so wonderful for taking the time to share the link. Thanks for your thoughtfulness. I heard the original interview and I was fascinated, but I need to listen again to really absorb it. Take care and again, thank you sincerely, Mary

    1. I'm so glad the link was helpful to you. It was certainly a powerful and informative interview!
